5)Items And Gold

5)Items and Gold

In LoL,one of your goals is to farm as much gold as you can so that you can buy items that boosts your statistics.In order to make gold you must do some things:

a)Do the last hit (killing blow) on the enemy minions

When you are on your lane you have to make sure that the wave of minions that is coming towards you must be stopped.In order to be stopped you have to attack those minions.If you just attack them till they die and you didnt manage to make the last hit,you will not make any profit out of the minion`s death.You have to make sure you dont just auto attack the minion and land the last hit to gain some gold.

b)Kill the enemy turrets(towers)

In order to make some extra gold when you bring down a turret,you must do the last hit right before it goes down.If a minion or siege minion kills the turret,neither you or your teamates are getting any gold

c)Farm in jungle

You can make gold by killing the neutral monsters from your jungle (or the enemy jungle).If you kill dragon or Baron monsters,all the members of your team take some extra gold(and the one who does the last hit gets a bit more gold).

d)Make 5 gold per 10 seconds(gp5) items

Those items are made to give you an extra income(along with some stats)in case you cant farm properly or you just want to have extra gold along with the farming.Those items are usually prefered by supports because they cant farm with last hit.It is also good to use them on a jungler and a top laner that needs a better gold income.

e)Kill your enemies

As the title says....kill your enemies.This is one of your goals in order to win the game.Each time you kill a player or even help to kill an enemy(assist)you earn gold.The standard gold gain per kill is 300 gold and it goes up to 600.First blood thought(First kill in game)gives 400 gold.
In many cases,some players are killing enemies without dying.This results to a killing spree which differs according on how many kills you got in a row(for example 3 kills is a killing spree,4 for rampage,5 for unstoppable etc).The one that has a killing spree,gives more gold to the enemies when he dies.But the is also the possibility of the opposite thing which is the death spree.If you die many times in a row without getting a kill,you give less gold to the enemies.
The last thing on enemy killing that you have to know is the Multikill status.When someone gets many kills in a row,he gains a multikill status uppon fight(this means that if someone manages to take more than one kill during a fight and in a 10 second duration after each kill,he gains the Multi kill status).You have 5 status notes for multikill:Double,Triple,Quadra,Penta and Legendary kill.Penta means that you killed all 5 members of the enemy team(havent seen and legendary spree but it is supposed to be above 5 kills in a row).When all enemies are dead you score an Ace.


In order to compete with you enemies,you must equip your champion with items.To buy those items you have to earn gold and buy them from the Item shop.There are 5 categories on the Item shop:Defense,Attack,Magic,Movement,Consumables

Defense: In this tab you can make the items that improve your defensive stats like health,armor,magic resist etc..
Attack: In this tab you can make the attack type items which is based on the AD(attack damage)type of characters and you can increase stats like damage,lifesteal,attack speed etc.
Magic: In this tab you can make the damage type items which are based on magic damage(best suitable for mages(AP characters))and you can increase stats like ability power,mana,mana regeneration etc.
Movement: This tab is specialized on items that give speed in general and you can combine you Boots of speed with some other items to earn some extra stats(Like if you combine Boots of speed and cloth armor,which is an item that gives armor,you can earn armor,speed and damage reduction statistics).
Consumables: In this tab you can take consumable items just like potions,wards,elixirs etc.Ward is the item that reveals a certain area on the map,around the position that it is placed.Those wards cant be seen from the enemy team(unless they have a vision ward nearby or an Oracle's elixir).
Elixirs are like potions,but you can earn stats from them and they are used as a buff item,and one of them can be used in order to see the invisible wards and destroy them.

Every character has a "Recommended Items" tab when you open the store,in the upper right side.Those items are good  for players that dont know what to build on a champion.

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