Wednesday 14 November 2012

Riot,how about creating support champions ?

Now that Zed is released...i was wondering why riot doesn't create more support champions.A summoner who plays the support role is important as well.In my opinion by making more support champions they will make this role more interesting and enjoying.For example, i would like to see a champion with passive aoe armor like soraka's magic resist...and for ulti...hmm...let's say like sivir's, attack speed and movement speed.For its basic skills i dont know,they can use something unique.There are many things that they could add...what do you think?

Sunday 28 October 2012

My opinion about the best jungler

Well...if someone questioned me about the best jungler, i would definately answer him amumu.Amumu,the sad mummy,has very strong cc (crowd control) especially if you build abyssal scepter and aegis of the legion.Even if you are not good at landing the bandage toss,your ultimate is enough to turn the tides on a teamfight.The only disadvantages that comes in my mind are 1) very depended on blue buff , 2) weak early game ganks.

Aegis of the legion
Abyssal Scepter

Saturday 27 October 2012

According to your experience,who is the best jungler?

According to your experience,who is the best jungler? free polls 

Rune Combiner. Useful of not?

Many summoners still don't know the existence of the rune combiner. Even in pro players' guides nothing is mentioned about this tool. Is it really that useless?

The rune combiner is basically a simple tool located on the bottom right corner of your rune pages. Just click on the recycle button and there you go! So what does it do? It simply takes 2 or more runes and combines them into one rune of the same or higher value. But still how can this tool be proven useful?

Well first of all, on your pre 20s you may have done the completely useless thing of getting Tier 1 or Tier 2 runes. It was a total waste of ip my fellow summoners but it's ok. With the combiner, you are given the chance to sacrifice five of those useless runes for a tier 3 one! The tier 3 that you'll get will be random, but there is a high chance that you will need it in at least one of your builds.

The other reason why you could use the combiner is, if for example you bought some wrong Tier 3 runes by misclicking or you don't need some anymore, or even because you got some useless ones out of the combiner. Then feel free to combine them(you need to sacrifice 2 Tier 3 runes for a new rune of the same value). Some time the combiner can save you some ip, or if you get some runes of the same type out of it, you may get inspired of creating a new rune page.

That's all there is on the rune combiner. Can be useful some times but generally if you know your stuff you are gonna find yourself using it rarely. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT SACRIFICE THE TIER 3 RUNES THAT YOU USE AND YOU ARE HAPPY WITH.

Friday 26 October 2012

Video/Screenshot section

If you have any interesting videos from any of your games,or even some screenshots that you wanna share,you can upload it to our blogspot.Or you can send an email at

League of Legends Wallpapers

Thursday 25 October 2012

5 Things you should (or not) do

Right Focus

In a teamfight try to focus the enemy ad or ap carry first unless they are in a good position(behind whole team,inside a bush)."Jumping" on them through the whole enemy team is not a good idea.

Turret Dive

When you see someone with low hp do NOT turret dive,especially in early game,unless you are sure about your kill and your survival/escape from other champions.

Last Hiting

Stop hiting minions randomly.Try to land the killing blow...this is the basic way to earn gold.By hiting them all the time you will often lose last hits and make you vulnerable to ganks by the enemy jungler because your lane will be pushed.


Warding is an important part of the game.Wards will give you map awereness and make you see and understand how the enemy team moves.By doing this you will avoid being ganked.

Respawn Time

Try to remember the respawn time of your neutral creeps.You will avoid the "counter jungling".It is also good to remember drake's and baron's respawn time.Drake is extra gold for you and your allies.Baron gives extra gold to all players plus the buff.Baron's buff can easily turn games arround.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Preparation for new players

These are some basic steps for new players so that they can understand the concept of League of Legends

How to connect to League Of Legends

In order to play league of legends you must first create an account.Click this link below to enter the signup page this page you can also find the link to download the league of legends client.