Sunday 28 October 2012

My opinion about the best jungler

Well...if someone questioned me about the best jungler, i would definately answer him amumu.Amumu,the sad mummy,has very strong cc (crowd control) especially if you build abyssal scepter and aegis of the legion.Even if you are not good at landing the bandage toss,your ultimate is enough to turn the tides on a teamfight.The only disadvantages that comes in my mind are 1) very depended on blue buff , 2) weak early game ganks.

Aegis of the legion
Abyssal Scepter


  1. Amumu is a decent jungler but,in my opinion,i think Maokai is better....His ganks are on a higher level than Amumu's and he has also a better combo on disabling the enemy which doesnt require high skill to be done.

  2. Amumu is a great jungler but he is easily getting counter jungled. he is mostly based on helping his allies snowball with his ganks. There is no best jungler. It always depends on the matchup
