2)Type Of Games

2)Types of Games

When you finish the Tutorial mode,you can now start playing on the main maps of LoL.
There are 4 different maps:

a)Summoner's Rift: The first 5vs5 mode map which is the main map at the moment on LoL,on which your team and the enemy team splits into different lanes and the goal of the game is to destroy the enemy Nexus(a tower-like structure which is located in each base).You advance in levels and items by killing enemies,minions etc.

b)Twisted Treeline: This map is the 3vs3 version of LoL and the goal is the same as Summoner`s Rift,but the difference is that there are 2 lanes instead of 3 and you advance in levels and items in the same way as Summoner's Rift(there are also some other minor differences like less turrets and some different items which you can see on the shop)

c)Dominion: This map is on a 5vs5 mode like Summoner's Rift,but the goal is to capture the bases that are available.In order to do that you must kill your opponents and cap more bases than the enemy.The proccess of level and gold is not the same as Rift and Treeline because you can take levels and gold as time passes and not only by killing minions and enemies.The team that loses all points first is defeated(you start with 500 points and a team starts to lose points when the enemy has more bases capped than the other team)

 d)Proving Grounds: This is what i call a "fun map" because,although the goal is to destroy the enemy Nexus,the fight is based on one lane and there is consant fighting to advance to the enemy base.The bad thing is that you can't heal yourself if you go back to your base as in the other maps,but there are some healing spots along the way,which have a red cross that heals you if you pick it up.The formation is 5vs5 and you advance through the game in the same way as Dominion(Note:This map can only be played if you create it on custom mode).

The main game types are 2:Normal games and Ranked games.You can also create a custom game,which is a game that you host so that other people can join you and play with you and also there is a Co-op vs AI mode that has bots(champions that are not controlled by players)as your enemies.

a)Normal games: Normal games are divided into 2 categories,Blind pick and Draft pick.
In Blind pick,you can pick whatever you want and have the same champion as your enemy(although you can't see what your enemy picks,the enemy can pick a champion that you and your team already picked)
In Draft pick,you have to ban 6 champions,in total,so they can't be picked by any of the teams(each team has 3 bans)After the banning proccess,the first one who banned a champion,picks a champion and then the next two players of the opposite team pick their champions and so on.A champion cannot be picked from both teams.

b)Ranked games: Ranked games are divided into 2 categories,Solo/Duo Draft pick and Ranked Teams Draft pick.(Note:In order to participate in Ranked games you have to be level 30 and have at least 16 champions).

Ranked games have a rating system(Elo points)to determine how good a player,or a team,is.There are 5 ranks for the rating system which are:
1)Bronze (when you have between 0 and 1149 points(0-1249 for teams))
2)Silver (when you have between 1150 and 1449 points(1250-1449 for teams))
3)Gold (when you have between 1450 and 1849 points(1450-1649 for teams))
4)Platinum (when you have between 1850 and 2199 points (1650-1849 for teams))
5)Diamond (when you have between 2200 and above points(1850 and above for teams))
Rankings are also divided into smaller subcategories,like Gold IV or Silver III,because they are sectioned every 50 Elo points.

In Solo/Duo Draft pick you can play solo or with a friend and the rules are like the draft pick on normal mode,with the difference that you win or loss elo points(according the result of the game)at the end of the game.
In Team Draft pick you can play only with a premade team that you or someone else formed,versus another premade team.Elo category points for this kind of games is seperated from the Solo/Duo one and it is indicated as Ranked Team Elo
In order to be ranked you must play at least 10 games.In the first 10-20 games you will earn more elo(or lose more if you are defeated)and then you will reach a certain amount,after some games,that you will win or lose(approx. 9-15 elo).

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