4)Summoner Spells/Masteries/Runes

4)Summoner Spells/Masteries/Runes

Besides the basic skills that a champion has,each player can use 2 summoner spells.
Summoner Spells are extra spells that are usefull to bring down an opponent,escape from a battle,heal you or fill up your mana etc.

Barrier: Creates a shield that absorbs damage(Available only in Proving Grounds).
Exhaust: Exhausts the opponent lowering his speed,attack damage and damage dealt from abilities and items.
Garrison: Regeneration and attack speed on an allied turret or reduced damage on an enemy turret(Available only in Dominion).
Ghost: Increased movement speed and ignores collision(goes through minions etc).
Heal: Restores health on you and half of the amount to nearby allies.
Revive: Revives your champion instantly after death and increases health for a period of time.
Smite: Deals damage to minions(really good for junglers).
Surge: Increases attack speed and ability power.
Teleport or TP: Teleports your champion to a place(must be used only on a allied minion,turret or ward).
Cleanse: Removes debuffs and decreases the duration of incoming disables.
Clarity: Fills up mana.
Ignite: Deals magic damage and reduces healing effects on target.
Promote: Heals a nearby siege minion and gives bonus stats(the caster takes gold from minion's kills).
Clairvoyance or CV: Reveals a location on the map.
Flash: Teleports your champion to a certain distance


Masteries are 3 different categories(like trees)that are used to impove the statistics and abilities of a champion.You can use up to total of 30 points on masteries and you get 1 point each time you get a level(For example,on level 15 you have 15 mastery points,on 20 level 20 points etc).

The 3 different categories of masteries are:Offense,Defense and Utility

On the Offense category,you can raise the offensive abilities of your champions(like attack or magic damage,lifesteal,penetration etc)It is best suitable for champions that have offensive style.
On the Defense category,you can raise the defensive abilities of your champions(like armor,magic resist,health,regeneration etc)It is best suitable for champions that wants to go into battle and get all the damage without dying that fast in order to protect the rest of the team and engage.
On the Utility category,you can increase some statistics for mana,mana regeneration and cooldown reduction and also increased starting gold(from 475 to 515)and gold income per seconds
etc.It is best suitable for support characters and also junglers that want to take the increased buff duration mastery.
In order to take the final mastery on each category,u must spent 20 points and 1 final on that skill.You can also make a mix of masteries(like using 10 points on offense,10 on defence and 10 on utility).


A rune is an item that a summoner use in order to boost the abilities of a champion.
In order to use runes,you must first buy them from the shop with Influence points and put them into a Rune page.Each player has 2 rune pages in the beggining and he can purchase more with IP or RP later on.Runes are not consumed in each game and they have a permanent spot in your rune page(till you remove them or change them with something else).
There are different prices for each rune and also they are divided into 3 Tiers in order to distinguish the statistics that they give.Tier 1 runes have the lowest statistic power and you can buy them from level 1 to 9.Tier 2 is the middle category and you can buy them from level 10 to 19.Tier 3 is the best category of runes and the strongest ones and you can buy them from level 20 and on.

There are 4 types of runes: Marks,Glyphs,Seals and Quintessences.
You obtain a mark(red color rune),glyph(blue color rune)and seal(yellow color rune) slot every 3 levels(for example on level 1 you have 1 mark slot,on level 2 a glyph slot,on level 3 a seal slot and then again on level for a mark slot).Quintessences are unlocked on every 10 levels(9 mark/seal/glyphs slots and 3 Quintessences in total).

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